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5/14 Slo 'Mo LA x Ace Hotel Rooftop

After many, many requests, Slo 'Mo is headed west to sunny Los Angeles. We'll be posting up at the Ace Hotel rooftop grooving to slow jams into the sunset with LA's cutest queers, femmes, and non-binary baddies. RSVP to and tell your Cali friends! Our ability to continue to tour Slo 'Mo depends on the fam to help us spread the word. Fwd this email, give us a shout on IG @slomoparty or whisper in a cutie's ear; Slo 'Mo is almost here...

Picture yourself at the swanky, sexy Ace...

Yep, it's on Mother's Day; bring her! We'll cue up the Anita Baker and get a champagne cocktail in mom's hand ASAP. 

Jonesing for Slo 'Mo to come to your city? Drop us a line, send a smoke signal, or tag us in your fave venues! 

So we have this thing for hotel rooftops...

Photo's from last year's Soho Pride Pool Party